Category: Release

Embedded coverage started on MSF’s search and resecue vessel ‘Geo Barents’

In the Mediterranean sea, more than 2000 refugees and migrants…

Kodansha Yasuharu Honda Nonfiction Awarded

The award ceremony of 43rd Yasuharu Honda Nonfiction Award by…

Moved to the Hague, the Netherlands

I moved my family living base to the Hague in…

“Exodus” is nominated to 20th Shincho Document Award (As result, other book was awarded)

My nonfiction book “Exodus” is nominated as one of 5 shortlisted books…

Book review of “Exodus” on Weekly Bunshun

Book review about “Exodus” by Prof. Yasushi Watanabe of Keio…

Book “Exodus” was introduced on Japanese press association magazine

Book “Exodus” was introduced on Japanese press association magazine on…

Nonfiction book “Exodus” published from Shinchosha

Nonfiction novel “Exodus” about global migrants who enters to US…

Interview published on Shinbunkyokaiho

Interview article with me was published on Shinbunkyokaiho dated on…

Received Vaughn-Uyeda Memorial International Journalistic Prize

Japan Press Research Institute announced that Vaughn-Uyeda Memorial International Journalistic…